How Can I Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gandgpdao @ 11:08 pm
Woman has oral pain

Orthodontic treatments have helped many people have straighter, healthier smiles while also resolving neck pain and headaches caused by poor teeth alignment. While orthodontic emergencies happen from time to time, they are rare and can be avoided with the proper precautions. Here’s a brief guide to what constitutes an orthodontic emergency, how they can prevented, and how they can be dealt with if they happen.

What Counts as an Orthodontic Emergency?

Orthodontic emergencies are rare occurrences that compromise your brace’s ability to straighten your teeth or cause unusual pain or discomfort. A few examples include:

  • Brackets breaking off the tooth.
  • Wires breaking and poking into soft tissues like the gums.
  • A frequently irritated area becomes sore or infected.
  • A retainer or an aligner breaks and no longer works.

How Can I Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies?

When a patient’s brackets or wires break, orthodontists often find that it is because the patient was eating crunchy or sticky foods. The best way to prevent this is to avoid items like apples, raw veggies, meat off the bone, rock candy, and bubblegum altogether until your braces come off.

Many patients report that their braces frequently poke into the mouth’s soft tissues, causing raw or sore spots that can become infected. This can be addressed with dental wax that can be placed upon the protruding metal part, creating a smooth surface that won’t irritate the mouth.

While chewing while wearing your aligners or retainer can harm them, they are usually outside of the mouth when they get damaged. To prevent this from happening, carry a small container in your pocket to hold your removable appliances when you’re not wearing them.

What Should I Do If I Have an Orthodontic Emergency?

If you or your child has an orthodontic emergency, contact the orthodontic office as soon as possible so they can pencil you in for an upcoming appointment. It’s best to be familiar with the terms used in orthodontics so you can describe what kind of problem you have. The staff will take care to gather all necessary information and provide you with further instructions.

Orthodontics treatment requires no small amount of effort from the patient, but the results are well worth the investment. Knowing what to do during an orthodontic emergency can save you a lot of stress and keep your treatment on track.

About the Practice

G&G Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics delivers the most excellent dental care available to kids in Naperville, IL. Led by Drs. Nicole and Cory, the staff ensures each patient receives the high-quality oral health services they deserve. Areas of expertise include preventive, restorative, and emergency dentistry as well as orthodontic services. For more information on making sure your child’s orthodontic treatment goes smoothly, contact the office online or dial (630) 778-9500.

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